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Kees Terberg | all galleries >> Portraits: everyone is beautiful >> Portraits and People Snaps (Colour) > Emma
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A change of background can make all the difference.
This photo was taken at the old grotto near Corbiere
in Jersey, Channel Islands. The lighting is the available
light against the dark wet granite of the grotto. The
expression is one which is not natural to Emma who is
always smiling and cheerful. The aim here was to capture
the "Classic Pale English Beauty" which I personally thought
looked very sophisticated.

ps. The image is best viewed at the original size.
I really love that 50mm lens! Even though most of todays
session with Amy and Emma was shot using the 70-200mm.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 10-Apr-2006 01:49
I LOVE her intense gaze-
Guest 23-Mar-2006 03:24
i like this portrait. the colors of the dress, hair and the background all go very well together. the most attractive point to me is emma's eyes though. just one suggestion. how about sitting her facing to the right and half turning back her face to look at the camera.

BAS Photography16-Mar-2006 21:04
stunning! gmv!
Guest 16-Mar-2006 00:30
Every time I view your images, I'm reminded of another brilliant artist, this time Rembrandt. I envy your eye and the ability you have to capture the personality with just a split second.
Buz Kiefer12-Mar-2006 18:06
Beautiful results. Amazing on many points not the least being that this was with available light.
Guest 12-Mar-2006 11:27
This is a beautiful portrait. Adore the framing here - very elegant yet extremely flattering. If I were the sitter I would be delighted. The lighting is exquisite. I love this also as it looks completely unphotoshop'ed (whether it is or not is besides the point). Very pro work. vote
jan peter van walsum 12-Mar-2006 01:23
she is the perfect english rose. just looking at the picture u could already see that this ms is a lady. very beautiful work. she is very pritty.
Guest 12-Mar-2006 00:29
lovely- and it does look great in original size!
Guest 11-Mar-2006 22:42
This is beautiful.
Guenter Eh11-Mar-2006 21:22
Thanks for those valueable informations of the story behind. And yes - IMO you are succesful in result: She looks very sophisticated! Excellent work Kees!!!