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Coleen Perilloux Landry | all galleries >> Picture a Day >> Gallery of March 2006 > Thrilled to be Back
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4 March 2006 Coleen Perilloux Landry

Thrilled to be Back

Lafreniere Park--Metairie, Louisiana

Slouched down against the wind, this man is happy to be back in the Park after 7 months of it being closed following Katrina. He and his friends were racing their boats once more.

They said it has been a long six months with the Park closed and a cooped-up winter.
Bet their wives are dancing around the house .

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Guest 20-Mar-2006 23:46
This I love to do. Al
Hubert Steed10-Mar-2006 00:49
Love this one Coleen... beautifully composed.
Sam X09-Mar-2006 14:08
some things are back to normal....beautiful composition
Neal Nye07-Mar-2006 13:14
What a fun thing to photograph. I bet their wives are very lonesome!
laine8207-Mar-2006 01:09
This is a popular pastime here too. The park looks wonderful Coleen
Greg Harp06-Mar-2006 04:45
I thought he was fishing at first, too. :) Excellent shot.
Karen Leaf06-Mar-2006 01:05
I thought he was fishing at first, heh... that's where my head is, but I could easily get into boating mode--You've captured a moment too long in coming, Coleen.
Guest 05-Mar-2006 19:33
perfect. he looks really relaxed
Karen Stuebing05-Mar-2006 12:26
I'll bet everyone missed being there. Excellent shot and dof showing both the man and the boat. Well, you've got a few months until the next hurricane season. Hope someone did something to prevent a reoccurence of what happened with Katrina.
Dennis Hoyne05-Mar-2006 04:51
Looks like fun, wonderful image.
Guest 05-Mar-2006 03:26
This fine old gentleman loves these shots, Coleen
well done
Mindy McNaugher05-Mar-2006 02:12
Fabulous shot Coleen! Wonderful to see each area slowly get back to the way it should be!
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography05-Mar-2006 01:11
Excellent shot :)
Leo Charette05-Mar-2006 00:54
I dunno, I think I'd rather be in the boat ;) Now what happens when this thing capsizes, humm. Great shot Coleen.
Guest 05-Mar-2006 00:05
northstar3704-Mar-2006 23:13
full steam ahead!
Guest 04-Mar-2006 23:02
Looks like a ton of fun. Life will return to normal and the storm will eventually be only history. Nice image, Coleen.
Gayle P. Clement04-Mar-2006 22:49
Yeah! I'm so glad they could return. I know how much they must have missed their daily meetings.
Buz Kiefer04-Mar-2006 22:16
This one is very nice too but the ducks swam off. :^)
JW04-Mar-2006 19:04
It's a man thing!
Guest 04-Mar-2006 18:41
Nice photo! Thrilled to see yet something else open (at least partially) that used to be a regular part of life pre-K.
Buz Kiefer04-Mar-2006 18:34
Nice, relaxing photograph. Like how you included the waterfowl in the frame. Gives it another pleasing element.
Zak04-Mar-2006 18:32
great way to spend a sunny day!
Katie Chew04-Mar-2006 18:31
Nice shot. Looks like he is having fun.
Ian Clowes04-Mar-2006 18:31
always fancied trying that :)
Guest 04-Mar-2006 18:17
What a great way to spend an afternoon! Looks like a fresh wind, too.