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Timothy Guenther | all galleries >> Bird Galleries >> Ducks & Water Fowl >> Oldsquaw or Long Tailed Ducks > Long-tailed Duck
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Long-tailed Duck

Irondequoit Bay Outlet

Also called an Oldsquaw, these ducks are very (camera) shy,
fast moving and hard to expose properly due to their high contrast plummage.
I have deleted many images of these birds, in an attempt to get a good shot.

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Steven Jusczyk27-Feb-2006 06:14
Excellent capture, love the wave it's creating.
lgprice27-Feb-2006 01:57
Nice catch, Tim. I'm still trying to get one these. Gail
Peter Stahl27-Feb-2006 01:54
Nice capture of a beautiful bird. Well done.
Wolfgang Wander27-Feb-2006 01:48
Seems like he spotted you and made a swim for it ;-) It's so tough to get close to them. Nice image!