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Cathy Scrivnor | all galleries >> D70 Photos >> Exposures > Yellow Tulip
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Yellow Tulip

Woo Hoooo! the tulips are bloomin' !!

Nikon D70
1/8000s f/2.0 at 50.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 23-Feb-2006 22:30
This is lovely Cathy!
Toni Moore19-Feb-2006 23:37
Beautiful Tulip Cathy...I am so jealous you have flowers already...Toni
Toni Moore19-Feb-2006 23:37
Beautiful Tulip Cathy...I am so jealous you have flowers already...Toni
leslie pimentel-matthews18-Feb-2006 15:41
this is beautiful.. love the drops of water on the flower...leslie
Guest 17-Feb-2006 03:00
This is beautiful Cathy. Great job.
Jeanne Newman16-Feb-2006 23:19
Absolutely sensational! I LOVE florals and you have been shooting some wonderful ones, Cathy!
Cathy Adams16-Feb-2006 22:27
absolutely gorgeous shot cathy!
Guest 16-Feb-2006 16:19
Gorgeous the water droplets....!!!!!!
Nichole Dillon-Lee16-Feb-2006 16:06
Oh, this is lovely!!! I just love tulips!!!
marilyn k holmberg16-Feb-2006 13:25
gorgeous! 'm'
Guest 16-Feb-2006 10:50
You nailed it!Frame it:)