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Coleen Perilloux Landry | all galleries >> Galleries >> Hurricane Katrina Was No Lady > Anna Belle Perilloux Fourroux's Katrina Adventure That Turned Out Well for Anna Belle
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December 2005 Coleen Perilloux Landry

Anna Belle Perilloux Fourroux's Katrina Adventure That Turned Out Well for Anna Belle

Metairie Manor

I like to say that my sister, Anna Belle, on left, had the biggest Katrina adventure of us all. At the time it was not so adventurous.
Two days before Katrina hit I took her home from the grocery store where she had stocked up on water and food. Since she lived on the 5th floor of Metairie Manor, a retirement residence, she felt she was safe and did not want to evacuate. She was always a leader at Metairie Manor and organized social outings for the residents and was President of the Guild for many years.
When I evacuated the next day I thought surely Anna was safe. Little did I know that two days after Katrina she would be on the balcony of her 5th floor apartment waving a white pillowcase at every helicopter that flew over. They had no electricity and the area was flooded. The temperature in the building was too much for the 150 elderly who had stayed. Finally, someone saw her and ambulances and buses were sent to rescue them. They were taken to the airport where they stayed for 20 hours under conditions that were not too good.
Anna had just finished months of chemotherapy and radiation for cancer. She recognized a reporter from CNN and asked her for help. She told the reporter "Can you help us; we're old and we're sick and we're ugly." They were flown to San Antonio then to another place, then to Lackland Air Force Base in Texas. The reporter put the interview on television and someone saw Anna and called her son in Arkansas. One son from Louisiana who had evacuated to Chicago and the son from Arkansas both left to get her at Lackland (a granddaughter traced her on the internet through the Red Cross.) After several days she was safe in Arkansas where she stayed for a few months. On November 15 Metairie Manor reopened and Anna is back home, looking none the worse for wear. It was not her first adventure with hurricanes---in the 1940's she survived a monstrous one in Galveston and her newborn son lived two days. Courageous woman.

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Richard Carriere, Jr. 30-Aug-2024 18:36
Oh my gosh. Glad it worked out for your sister. She waved a pillow case and in time help arrived. Then the CNN reporter...........
laine29-Nov-2011 22:07
I have told many people about Anna Belle and the comment to CNN reporter...she was a brave lady...RIP
Bill 24-Jun-2006 22:08
The Nun on the right is my cousin Sister Claire Kelly. What a suprise!!
Guest 05-Feb-2006 04:49
Incredible story, Coleen. Especially love the happy ending, of course. Anna Belle sounds like a very strong, special person.
Guest 24-Dec-2005 23:31
Such a great story! Hope she has a relaxing Christmas and you as well Coleen!
Guest 24-Dec-2005 20:33
What a strong story of survival. She is indeed a courageous woman Coleen. I am glad Anna is doing well now.
Al Chesworth24-Dec-2005 18:39
You ladies down there are a tough bunch, an experience you can do without.
Have a peacefull holiday and a better 2006.
Guest 24-Dec-2005 17:21
Hi aunt Anna, so nice to meet you.

What a story Coleen after everything this year this is a great time to thanks the Lord everything is coming into the normal rithm of lives everyone of you family is safe and enjoying Christmas and great chance for loving life and family. My best wishes (and of course from my family too) to you and your family. May God Bless you all.
Elaine (etfitz)24-Dec-2005 16:39
She looks beautiful! Very nice image!
petesie24-Dec-2005 15:42
All of you have fantastic genes. She looks wonderful and I love hearing her story. Glad she is back and thriving!
northstar3724-Dec-2005 14:59
Good Luck to her!
Gayle P. Clement24-Dec-2005 13:27
Aunt Anna looks beautiful.
royalld24-Dec-2005 13:18
Merry Christmas Anna Belle, and Merry Christmas to that anonymous CNN reporter.
laine8224-Dec-2005 06:51
Alls well that ends well so they say...I think your whole family deserve medals for bravery Coleen. Merry Christmas Anna Belle !!
Lee Rudd24-Dec-2005 06:31
oh my! that is some adventure! Anna Belle and her friends seem very well.. I note she has her siters humour! ;)