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I figured that anything more original as a name for this pic would be silly...

Canon EOS 20D
1/400s f/4.0 at 29.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Benoît Jolivet11-Nov-2008 22:46
Love it ! So simple, so perfect... i'am jealous ;-) Voted
Ishai Gonda02-Jan-2006 10:35
Good play with play colors and sharpness

Jose Paulo Andrade26-Dec-2005 22:10
In my opinion this is the best! Excelent background color allied to a perfect sharpness "make" a very good photo!
Helen Betts26-Dec-2005 21:48
Outstanding! Helen
John Carman21-Dec-2005 21:14