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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> Soul & Spirit > Laughter is Good Like Medicine.
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Laughter is Good Like Medicine.

This picture is a special joy.
The young fellow in the picture is the
adopted son of a dear friend. He is hearing impaired and
quite good at visual dramatics.
After I had given him a clown nose for fun,
he surprised me by popping into the home office with it on as in the picture.
Thankfully I had my camera handy.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Norman Rich27-Dec-2010 18:26
A fine joyful endearing image.
inti17-Sep-2006 16:26
it sure is..and we can never get enough of it in my opinion.
A big smile! ;-)
regards Rob
j>a>e>17 :):):)20-Jun-2006 05:21
most fun sneeze on earth
ricky ringling shares his glee
ah ah ah choo eeeeeeeeeeeee

"17" Gezundheit haiku for U, John ": )
Faye White21-Mar-2006 16:02
Jen Bixler08-Mar-2006 19:17
Guest 20-Feb-2006 19:17
Yes it is.. the best medicine.. and this is too sweet... What a great sense of humor he has... Lovely !! Truly lovely! Give him a kiss for me! :)
petesie10-Feb-2006 15:09
Yes, the joy is evident! Makes me grin all over.
Guest 12-Dec-2005 05:24
I love the effect on this photo...and the selective coloring. Works great! It's so 'modern'...
Guest 27-Nov-2005 14:05
wonderful shot!
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