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Stefano Gaggero | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Selection > Goccia dacqua su un CD
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Goccia dacqua su un CD

FujiFilm FinePix F10 Zoom
1/120s f/2.8 at 8.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Dan the Man11-Jan-2008 14:57
I have seen many water drops so far and I find this one incredibly well done.. so round...Bravo!
Guest 14-Feb-2007 16:03
beautiful shot, great idea
Isabelle Rault22-Nov-2006 19:22
excellente idée et fort bien réalisée ! bravo
Charles Lasnier13-Nov-2006 06:41
Good idea!
Richard Calmes09-Nov-2006 15:08
This is a cool and beautiful shot! V
Guest 07-Nov-2006 16:56
great shot lovely light and concept
RL Dean, Sr.25-Aug-2006 12:35
Very unique shot, almost surreal. Good shot.
Emad Omar22-Aug-2006 15:35
you got my vote.