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gilaudio13-Feb-2006 18:28
Totaly amazing!.....
Sue Robertson01-Feb-2006 05:57
Wow I love this.
Guest 15-Jan-2006 11:10
love this image great colour and texture well done
Guest 29-Nov-2005 16:51
Amazing color.
type16-Nov-2005 16:12
I can see you with your hand pushing up the contrast button button bit by bit, going "oh yeah, oh YEAH! They're gonna freak when they see this!" LOL
Sheila16-Nov-2005 05:17
Wow what a find! The doors look wonderful the way you have presented them.
steve mcsweeny12-Nov-2005 02:24
Where do you find this stuff:).Brilliant,Vote!
viljamix10-Nov-2005 08:51
Cool colours and great texture.
Rene Hales10-Nov-2005 04:34
Fantastic colors and your perspective/crop are spot on.--Rene
Guest 09-Nov-2005 13:04
Amazing mixture of colours ... this is a beautiful set of doors! :)
Sam Stevenson08-Nov-2005 00:54
What a rich image!
Ray :)07-Nov-2005 23:52
I think the word is yummy ;-)
Funny how some people would not see this is art...
Di07-Nov-2005 21:49
Amazing colors! Well seen.
fred_il07-Nov-2005 20:18
Incredible door!
J. Scott Coile07-Nov-2005 16:26
Incredible color. Lovely interaction between metals and atmosphere. Well composed. VOTE!
Lee Rudd07-Nov-2005 13:01
this makes the door photo that I am working on look sooo mundane! this is superb... as well as all the colours, I like the shiny new lock and hasp securing the door. V
SRW07-Nov-2005 11:56
Stunning colours! Stunning shot!
Karen Stuebing07-Nov-2005 11:10
Love all the colors of aging on the door. Great find and photo.
Gilles Navet07-Nov-2005 08:24
Impressive collection of tons on this door
Great pic
Steven Jusczyk07-Nov-2005 07:29
Excellent! Great color range and textures.
Guest 07-Nov-2005 06:19
Wild color tones...very nice!
shatterbug07-Nov-2005 06:14
Wonderful find! The colors are fantastic! You made great art out of this decaying door! GMV.
laine8207-Nov-2005 05:02
That is so good, Roe. What a find. GMV
Guest 07-Nov-2005 04:26
Absolutely gorgeous colors of decay! Love it. GMV
Guest 07-Nov-2005 03:53
Chris07-Nov-2005 02:33
Like the contrast and the hidden shapes formed within the doors.
jude07-Nov-2005 02:22
Mmm yummy as hell! love the various colors that make a rainbow of decay ..
lovebobo131407-Nov-2005 02:21
Nice pic. GMV.

...duncan07-Nov-2005 02:17
Tremendous shot and wonderful texture.