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Sheila | all galleries >> Photo a Day >> November 2005 > Nov 5. Purple rose, apple scented.
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Nov 5. Purple rose, apple scented.

from my garden
rosa Veilchenblau.

Canon EOS 300D Digital Rebel
1/320s f/2.8 at 90.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Ananya Roy 16-Nov-2005 10:57
Beautiful and attractive colour. I specially like the violet buds.
Guest 10-Nov-2005 15:07
Wonderful! The light is beautiful!!
Guest 09-Nov-2005 10:24
Super focus. :-)
Michael Weinberg08-Nov-2005 13:40
Hello Shiela. Beautiful color contasts and saturations. the positions of the unblossomed buds help to make this a superb composition. Best regards, Michael.
Mary Beamond07-Nov-2005 13:59
Awh, Sheila - a lovely image :) Super dof.
Well done!
laine8206-Nov-2005 20:43
Yours is a bit behind mine Sheila. The best of the flowering is over. It is an absolutely wonderful rose isn't it...especially being thornless. Your image is delightful
coaster06-Nov-2005 16:51
Beautiful flower and great shot.
Steven Jusczyk06-Nov-2005 09:26
Perfect colors, clarity and light!
Focus06-Nov-2005 05:43
This is stunning.....absolutely stunning. How many times can I vote.........GMV for sure.
Guest 06-Nov-2005 05:24
very nice, I want one.
Guest 05-Nov-2005 21:53
great macro!
Guest 05-Nov-2005 21:01
Wooow! I love the colours of thi photo.. And I can't stop looking at the pollen.. they're so beautiful.
I noticed that you've got back your canon.. that's really great! :)
My vote for this photo! Superb! :)
Pedro Libório05-Nov-2005 20:35
Guest 05-Nov-2005 20:22
Vote Vote Vote!!!
Guess what, I just loooove this one!
That color!
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography05-Nov-2005 17:26
Wonderful colors :)
Bryan Murahashi05-Nov-2005 16:40
Beautiful, vibrant colors in this rose. GMV.
Jola Dziubinska05-Nov-2005 15:46
Sheila, your flowers photos are outstanding. This one is again soooo beautiful, sharp and perfectly composed. Lovely colors and DOF. Voted!
Guest 05-Nov-2005 14:52
I'm so glad for you that you got your Canon again.
Great macro once again, sharp, with good lighting. And beautiful subject.
Johnny JAG05-Nov-2005 14:41
Amazing colour, smells good on my screen ;-)
Herb 05-Nov-2005 13:40
Lovely colors
Guest 05-Nov-2005 13:32
How fab, to have your Canon back.
Buz Kiefer05-Nov-2005 12:34
Very different colors. Nice work Sheila.
Guest 05-Nov-2005 11:35
i can see why you like taking photos of colourful.
Guest 05-Nov-2005 10:54
great macro ! I like the colors and dof. GMV
steve mcsweeny05-Nov-2005 10:31
Beautiful shot and that light is amazing;).Vote!
Ps: Good to see you have your baby back;)
Karen Stuebing05-Nov-2005 10:20
I love the color. I've never seen a violet rose before. And to have an apple scent. That's really cool. Nice close up with great lighting. I like the little buds.
joanteno05-Nov-2005 10:05
Wow - an apple scented rose.. Wonderful shot!