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Robin Reid | all galleries >> Picture A Day (Year Two) >> Nov 05 PaD > November 4: SP SuperCuts Friday
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04-NOV-2005 Robin Reid

November 4: SP SuperCuts Friday

Rancho Bernardo, CA

If you want to see good photography click NEXT, however I didn’t really take any of the images from yesterday, and I like to document my daily activities; thus this scene matches my intention but doesn’t pass color or sharpness tests.

I’m off to a funeral this afternoon and then leave town next week for a conference. Time to look pretty.

Pentax Optio 550
1/62s f/2.8 at 7.8mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 20-Nov-2005 02:13
ha ha ha I love this shot!!
Manfred Bachmann05-Nov-2005 03:43
Congenial shot Robin!:)
snootydog05-Nov-2005 01:38
very impressive that we can't see the camera here.
Gayle P. Clement05-Nov-2005 01:31
Funny one, Robin.
Di05-Nov-2005 01:05
I'll bet you clean up real nice. You are about as bad as me taking a shot of the phlebotomist drawing my blood. Nice one!
Bob Foisel04-Nov-2005 23:42
I was going to say something about your hair, after last week moring shot, but I refrained since you were being so nice to me, but now I can't resist. It's about time! good work, I think you can fix it in P/S.
Pepe Zyman04-Nov-2005 21:06
Did you end up looking sharp?
virginiacoastline04-Nov-2005 20:03
this almost resembles a cell phone picture (your stylist appears to think you're a bit quirky! LOL!). . . condolences to the (funeral)family . .hope the rest of the weekend goes better
Gary Winters04-Nov-2005 20:01
I'll bet she hasn't had anyone set up their camera to take an SP while getting a haircut before! What a hoot.
Guest 04-Nov-2005 19:22
Haha, this is too funny, Robin!