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28-OCT-2005 Terry

October 28 - blur

Got myself a lensbaby and having a great time playing with it, a few more shots *here*

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Tracy Howell13-Oct-2006 06:36
This one looks great, just popped by to check out more of your
images done with your lens babay & thanks for all your information
& help on this subject, All your nice comments on my work are much
appreciated to. Tracy.
Yves Rubin09-Jun-2006 04:06
Superb as well! The colors fit this image very nicely!
Jackdad13-Nov-2005 17:08
ah, a fellow lensbaby fan. have fun! :-)
Guest 31-Oct-2005 15:38
Excellent use of the lensbaby. Love it!! GMV
Dominic Kite30-Oct-2005 22:36
This is incredible Terry, love that sweetspot of focus, really makes the scene jump off the screen at you. Well done. V.
Chris Sofopoulos30-Oct-2005 13:12
Superb editing and stunning image! VOTED!
Guest 30-Oct-2005 07:29
Wonderful image!
Guest 28-Oct-2005 21:44
Great shot. Kind regards, Marc.
Guest 28-Oct-2005 13:15
Great shot! Congrats with your purchase, I love mine!!
Guest 28-Oct-2005 10:55
can't wait to see more!
checked out the LB gallery love it. enjoy and keep shooting.