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Wolfgang Wander | all galleries >> Long Island Wildlife >> Warblers > Yellow-Rumped Warbler Dendroica Coronata
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Fall 2005 Wolfgang Wander

Yellow-Rumped Warbler Dendroica Coronata

NY, Stony Brook - West Meadow Beach

Canon EOS 20D ,Canon EF 500mm f/4L IS USM
1/1000s f/8.0 at 700.0mm iso800 with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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RappWizard31-Oct-2007 03:31
Wonderful capture. Perfect.
CJ Burianek20-Oct-2005 02:17
Gorgeous shot! Love it with the juniper berry in its beak!
Just took a look at the lens you're using - that is one incredible prime lens and it definitly shots in the shots in your gallery!
Wolfgang Wander19-Oct-2005 13:53
Thanks Mike for the great comment! I'm not sure about the sex - in the winter plummage they look very similar (to me at least). I'm always in burst mode when shooting but hardly use it at it's full speed of 5 frames per second, just to keep the focus point constant (half release). I usually use Aperture priority with partial metering but if the
light permits I use my incident light meter and go to manual exposure. Here I'm not sure what I used, the pbase exif display is not as complete and correct as I'd wish for. I'll check again later with the original...
Guest 19-Oct-2005 11:40
Excellent timing to capture the seed pellet in the beaak, and good foreground background separation. I'm assuming this is a male? Did you shoot this one in burst mode? BTW, in using the various expsosure modes, which one do you find works best in such situations (very bright foreground, much darker background)? I note you used "average" rather than "partial."
Steven Jusczyk19-Oct-2005 06:49
Another beauty!
Bryan Murahashi19-Oct-2005 04:01
Terrific capture.
Francisco Villegas19-Oct-2005 02:21
Great capture... detail, pose, DOF... Excellent.
Peter Stahl19-Oct-2005 02:20
Nice shot Wolfgang.Your pictures are always very sharp and have nice background brokeh.