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Ian Birch | all galleries >> Galleries >> Infra Red 2005 > IR_PICT0982.jpg
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Minolta DiMAGE 7
1/362s f/2.8 at 7.4mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Dan Greenberg14-Apr-2009 05:29
Cosmic!! What a world class and inspired IR image. ~V~
craig wilson27-Feb-2007 17:45
I always have been a large fan of IR, went through miles and miles of it in the film days.Havent had the chance yet to go digital IR. Your site inspires me. thanx
John Beck22-Oct-2006 14:44
A beautiful composition. Very unique.
Rene Hales16-Jul-2006 11:09
Beautiful composition. Well done!--Rene
Guest 13-May-2006 22:14
Beautiful image..very creative
John Hastings23-Nov-2005 13:43
Gets my vote - well done.
Guest 22-Nov-2005 20:10
This is a great shot and fine composition.
well done.