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George J. Fenisey | all galleries >> France >> Esterençuby > Source de la Nive
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Source de la Nive

End of the road !!! Béhérobie

tel, fax, A excellent place to stay and eat!
Some 4km from Estérençuby the road reaches tiny Béhérobie before climbing up to the border and fizzling out. Here, the Hôtel de la Source de la Nive (tel, fax; €30–40; closed Jan and Tues out of season, usually booked out in Oct for the wood-pigeon shooting season), beside the stream, is a marvellous place for a quiet stay, with a restaurant serving game-dominated menus (€12.20–27.44).

Just before the bridge at Béhérobie, a lane leads to the left, signposted to the Source de la Nive. With a car, you can drive the 400m to the end of the asphalt, then continue on foot along the dirt track going left, not the one going over the bridge. After fifteen minutes, you'll reach the springs, where water percolates a thousand metres down through the karstic hillside to well up as surging rapids. Hidden in dense beech woods, it's a magic spot in any weather, with a faint mist often rising from the surface of the water.

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