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Chris Sofopoulos | all galleries >> Galleries >> Hands Expressions >
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Canon EOS 20D
1/15s f/4.5 at 210.0mm iso400 full exif

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Julie Queybronac (Bryline)03-Jun-2011 17:31
Artistic shot ! V
Guest 28-Apr-2006 11:58
Wonderful gmv
Guest 14-Feb-2006 17:47
I like this one =)
Jeanne Newman29-Nov-2005 18:18
Guest 24-Oct-2005 03:11
again...great tone..I really love this hue of BW

Guest 08-Oct-2005 19:51
I love this one. The all human being is pictured out in this hand. A beautiful metaphore! Great Work!
Kevin Warren06-Oct-2005 15:19
Just wonderful, Chris - I have to go with the general consensus, the bw image works for me.
Guest 02-Oct-2005 19:10
I like this one a lot, The fingers coming out of the dark create a moody atmosphere. The presence of the book gives wings to the imagination.
Jim Chiesa01-Oct-2005 13:00
Beautifully mysterious, Chris, I love the atmosphere !
Guest 01-Oct-2005 02:37
I think I prefer this one.
Beautiful tones.
Galina Stepanova30-Sep-2005 17:27
Good light, like it in B&W better.
Clyne29-Sep-2005 22:40
I prefer the b/w. Nice work - this is a beautiful gallery.
Gabriele Hasslacher29-Sep-2005 22:10
I definitely prefer the b&w version with the little background reduction. Nice work!
laine8229-Sep-2005 22:00
Both are great but in this case it's the b&w that has the edge.
Roe..29-Sep-2005 21:25
I like both images..I'm just a b&w kind of gal..did I say like..I meant love..v
Guest 29-Sep-2005 20:57
I guess looks better in B&W.