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Marcel de Jong | all galleries >> themes >> Wings > Return to the nest
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Return to the nest

Sigma SD9
1/1000s f/5.6 at 176.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Norman Rich25-Mar-2009 04:44
Huge in dramatic impact. Great pose and timing. Wonderful shot.
Guest 13-Aug-2007 01:33
awesome picture! great shot
Della Huff20-Jun-2007 01:20
Wow, what a capture! Simply amazing and it couldn't be composed better.
nomada15-Nov-2006 20:26
priceless capture! 03-Sep-2006 03:06
Fabulous!!! AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love your photps, all of them! Amazing, amazing! Thank you for sharing :)
Christopher Tranter11-Jun-2006 03:33
Woah! Awesome shot.