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My Buddy

We've been buddies for quite a while now, so I'm privileged to hear some private BJ talk.
It's a lovely low chatter and a soft whistle.

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Guest 09-Nov-2007 01:53
Love this shot also one of my favorites. V
Dennis Swayze01-Nov-2006 01:43
...always like checking Bluejays...well done.
Cheers !
Martha Albuquerque01-Apr-2006 17:38
wow! great catch!
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal24-Feb-2006 19:13
Beautiful shot of beautiful bird, to bad we don't have those here in the Netherlands
Guest 13-Oct-2005 21:37
Isnt he a gorgeous colour! A very well composed shot and so lovely to see all those colours on the wings.
Guest 04-Oct-2005 03:10
Beautiful shot!
Definitely one of my favorites of the gallery.
Guest 21-Sep-2005 22:42
Such a beautiful bird, and so well composed with head turned at the perfect angle. Love the shades of blue in the "windows" of the folded wings. John
CIS18-Sep-2005 19:36
Char, yes a large number of them were...sadly.
My rescue "Peanut" & his family eventually showed
up and come as regular as clock work.:-)
Char18-Sep-2005 19:30
Beautiful shot Carly. He posed well for you.