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07-SEP-2005 © jp

I've Learned That..............

I've learned that.........every sunset is unique.

Canon PowerShot S2 IS
1/200s f/4.0 at 11.8mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Kathy Pedersen29-Aug-2006 02:14
I miss this sky....Voted
Guest 15-Aug-2006 13:56
Another very beautiful one!
Donald Verger23-Oct-2005 22:20
lovely, vote.. again :)
scgirl200023-Oct-2005 16:10
I think god loves photographers!!!!! Just beautiful!!!
csmallari23-Oct-2005 05:50
How very, very true. I look forward to each new day because of many different surprises you will encounter from sunrise to sunset :-)
Josy's Pics16-Oct-2005 17:34
I totally agree... nice shot!
Donald Verger07-Oct-2005 05:25
indeed! a worth being present for! same for the sunrise... some days i see/shoot both! and feel that is a really special day/gift.. vote
Buz Kiefer06-Oct-2005 00:54
Love the landforms low on the horizon. Very beautifully composed sunset.
Brian McAllister05-Oct-2005 04:51
Gorgeous. Voting.
Sheila22-Sep-2005 13:54
and that one is a very special one.
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