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Rob Rosetti22-May-2006 17:41
Wonderful! So simple but strong composition, great light! Roberto
Jeffery Stahlman19-Sep-2005 02:26
terrific composition and DOF
Guest 13-Sep-2005 07:05
Wonderful, Nicky!
kent larnhill12-Sep-2005 06:34
Wow, this is a great shot!
Gayle P. Clement12-Sep-2005 03:09
I love this!
Guest 08-Sep-2005 23:41
A great bee's eye view.
Lee Rudd08-Sep-2005 20:41
great view from flower level!
Guest 08-Sep-2005 11:25
This is my kind of shot! Like petaled floral pads floating in a lake of deep space.Wonderful comp,contrast,and saturation of color.V!
shatterbug08-Sep-2005 03:20
Great shot! Excellent DOF.
Mindy McNaugher08-Sep-2005 00:08
Stunning shot!!! Love the DOF! Perfection! Vote!
Ray :)07-Sep-2005 23:33
I like how you have made one flower special. I guess each one is an indivdual.
Guest 07-Sep-2005 16:36
Ooooh, a very nice shot!
Chris Sofopoulos07-Sep-2005 14:55
Beautiful macro and blurred background! Well done.
Chris07-Sep-2005 14:50
Poignant and pretty.
J. Scott Coile07-Sep-2005 13:41
Lovely composition. Well isolated subject with complimentary bokeh! Well done.
Gilles Navet07-Sep-2005 11:18
Impressive use of DOF here, It's make a very creative view of simples flower
A great "paradoxe"
Bravo Vote
Karen Stuebing07-Sep-2005 09:36
But not gone. Yet. Lovely angle and dof and they still provide lots of color to the landscape.
laine8207-Sep-2005 08:50
B-U-TI-FUL !! Voting.
Herb 07-Sep-2005 04:46
Very nice
Dennis Hoyne07-Sep-2005 04:30
Wonderful image, nice.
Guest 07-Sep-2005 03:52
I like this, your background made up of the very type of flower you made your focal point. The other darker area adds the finishing touch perfectly!
Guest 07-Sep-2005 03:19
Nice perspective!
James Lundy07-Sep-2005 03:11
Very nice shot!
Di07-Sep-2005 02:54
Ooooo! Great bokeh! Yep, summer's almost over...hard to believe. Where does the time go?