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Robbie D70 | all galleries >> Galleries >> A gallery for throwing together some ideas and experiments. Just For Fun. > Dingledell4pbase.jpg
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A 2nd attempt at layering this lovely sunny spring morning . Still not quite right ! watch this space

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Chris Spracklen19-Feb-2009 19:15
A real stunner, Robbie.
Love the scene and the shot. (V)
marita toftgard30-Oct-2008 15:10
Yiannis Pavlis14-Sep-2008 22:49
Beautifully captured and presented.The light is especially nice and you have used it well.
Nick Powell09-Dec-2007 08:54
Beautiflly framed by the tree, excellent compostion. V
Chris Spracklen26-Oct-2007 18:49
A fine shot of a stunning landscape. Beautifully done.
Kind regards, Chris
Guest 09-Mar-2007 16:39
It may be still be not quite right, but the image is beautiful and composition great. I know how hard images like this can be to match.
Naomi 12-Mar-2006 00:35
I want to live here!
Guest 20-Jan-2006 09:47
Alice in wonderland stuff.. i came back again to see this one!
Reflections by Ruth25-Nov-2005 22:54
excellent natural framing, nice find Robbie, very pretty :)
Guest 20-Oct-2005 20:25
ok, this is really a place from the imaginary fairy tales, love the look of this, very well created but I see a couple little distrating elements , the branch on the very top right area has an opening, I don't think it should be there, and as i read renen's comment as I type this I see she has the same thing in mind as i do, so i ditto her comment. jmho, =O)
Guest 18-Oct-2005 08:59
Great work Robbie! Perfect! :o)) Voted!
Now it makes me feel like walking to the house and see who's living in there.. :o))
Guest 07-Sep-2005 21:43
Wow,, excellent compo and love the greens...
like a fairy tale setting
Hans Meerbeek07-Sep-2005 06:19
Beautiful view!
Rene Hales06-Sep-2005 20:47
I agree this version is better than the 1st attempt. I think the spot of green above the tree limb on the right coming out of the trunk is a distraction. I think that limb across the top is effectively working as your upper frame. I don't think you can crop it as it takes out too much of the limb toward the left side and leaves too many unattached limbs hanging down. You might be able to clone in more limb to fill the area and/or darken that little area more.

I think if you can clone some of the purple flowers in the sort of second layer of them to lead back toward the hedge opening you might unify the piece a bit. You might also need to clone in a limb coming across the cottage area a little bit to help us see it fully in the setting. Just some of my ideas. Hope they help.--Rene
Kal Khogali06-Sep-2005 09:30
I loved the first one, now I love this one even more! Not quite right? Hmmm, I await the sequal.
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