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20-AUG-2005 © Stuart Clyne


On a walk this morning this little monkey didn't want to let us pass.

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nomada04-Sep-2011 13:04
Guest 29-Aug-2005 01:38
Fun shot ... maybe she thought she had right of way! :)
Louise28-Aug-2005 16:08
Great capture! It made me laugh!
gary becker25-Aug-2005 16:13
This is fantastic. I wonder if it's the pants that startled her? : )
Rene Hales24-Aug-2005 20:23
Love this photo--the stance the expression from the monkey. This is just a great shot.--Rene
Guest 20-Aug-2005 14:06
Perhaps he was asking someone to pay a toll to pass, like a few bits of food. :-) Cute shot.
Guest 20-Aug-2005 09:21
this got be on my side cracking up!! :D
well spotted.
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