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suse | all galleries >> Photo-a-Day(ish) >> pad_year_1 > 18th August 2005
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18th August 2005

A disappointing PAD today.
I spotted this spooky windowsill on my way home. But couldn't get the angle I wanted.
I'm going to try going back another day and used this for PS practice.

Canon EOS 20D
1/125s f/9.0 at 70.0mm iso1600 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 05-Jul-2006 23:55
Now seeing the original...hmmm. I like this one too. Have you thought about cropping the right window out? Not meaning to be an ob-nose, just was wondering what that would look like - if it would give more emphasis to the creepy doll face. I can also see the right window as its own...with the green and open transom. But I don't always see what is trying to be conveyed! I like it tho! :)))
dave11-Nov-2005 19:48
IMHO .....You have a natural gift for photography Suse
Wonderfull and strange picture.
Dave .............
Guest 21-Aug-2005 17:05
It is like you said, spooky. Dolly always scares me. But still love the way this pic is taken though
Steven Jusczyk19-Aug-2005 06:13
Great treatment of a haunting image.
Guest 19-Aug-2005 04:28
Nice mysterious window shot. Great tones.
Guest 19-Aug-2005 03:25
Nice image. Those dolls are quite scary.
Rene Hales19-Aug-2005 01:57
Not bad. Definitely worth another try.--Rene
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