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René Gysi | all galleries >> Galleries >> Street Parade 2005 > Hello...
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13-AUG-2005 René Gysi


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Chris Spracklen25-Sep-2011 15:40
A fine shot of this happy lady, Rene!
norbi26-Jan-2011 17:41
A wonderful portrait - makes me smiling. v. norbi
Guest 02-Apr-2006 11:30
Her expression makes the shot. She was really enjoying the moment...
Guest 25-Mar-2006 12:37
her expression wonderfuly captured, great shot.
Eric Dutordoir11-Sep-2005 14:52
Nice shot
Glendower27-Aug-2005 14:34
Great shot... lotsa teeth!
Besati25-Aug-2005 09:06
Very intense expression!! I can see her hands waving:))))))
beverley harrison23-Aug-2005 14:10
another good portrait!
Manfred Bachmann17-Aug-2005 20:20
René15-Aug-2005 12:41
René i don't know if she smile for you or for your camera....
wonderful shot
Guest 15-Aug-2005 08:28
she's happy to see you! :)
Gary Hebert15-Aug-2005 02:04
that is excitement and very expressive René...
Ray :)14-Aug-2005 21:29
That's a cracker..and so is she...
