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© neil hanson

Tin Mine

all images © neil hanson: unauthorised use of images without expressed written permission is prohibited

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chrisse22-Jun-2006 18:12
Great mood with that dramatic stormy sky, light is beautiful.
poetry66605-Jun-2006 20:43
Just so....Voted.
Guest 05-Jun-2006 11:05
Love that sky and composition. V
Sharon Rogers26-Feb-2006 21:29
Can't ask for better light really! The dark clouds add so much too. Nice!
Linda Alstead12-Feb-2006 18:31
Hi Neil - I was wrong yesterday - this is Wheal Jenkin alright but it's a tin mine not copper as I'd thought - FYI it was worked in 1836/7 only.....sorry, I'm a real anorak about this stuff!!!
Arnulf M. Elvevold27-Nov-2005 11:48
Outstanding photo. Fantastic light and mood. Voted.