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JeremyGood | all galleries >> Photo ala Mode: Hill Country Paradise >> July 2005 > 7/13: Park
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7/13: Park

I processed this shot using the technique Autumn Sky explained here.

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Karen Leaf15-Jul-2005 03:21
Nicely executed effects Jeremy. Thanks for sharing the link to LC's excellent tutorial.
Guest 14-Jul-2005 23:02
beautiful work!
David Clunas14-Jul-2005 20:09
Not obvious at first, but like the effect, prefer it on the flatter colours
Lee Rudd14-Jul-2005 19:34
very arty effect... not much shade around!
J. Scott Coile14-Jul-2005 19:10
Oooooooh, a new tool :) Interesting rendering. It reminds me of the effect of the NIK plug-in filter "Monday Morning". Very painterly.
Antonis Sarantos14-Jul-2005 17:30
Excellent post editing and seems that you have an impressive lens!
Guest 14-Jul-2005 13:41
nice pp work.
careful not to where out that lens. :)
laine8214-Jul-2005 09:21
great work with the effect.
Karen Stuebing14-Jul-2005 09:03
Neat effect. This would make a great print. Isn't it nice of El See to explain his wonderful post processing methods to PS morons like me?
Chris Sofopoulos14-Jul-2005 08:49
Sunny day for a walk and nice processing here.
Guest 14-Jul-2005 07:25
I've always like that effect, thanks for the link
Johan Toll14-Jul-2005 07:03
Very interesting effect!
optimist14-Jul-2005 06:32
Neat, looks like a modern children's book illustration. My copy of Adobe CS2 is on the way, thanks to your suggestive use of it. (Thought it was about time I learned it.)
Gayle P. Clement14-Jul-2005 04:47
Cool effect, Jeremy.
Di14-Jul-2005 03:07
Good job, Jeremy. The technique makes the image much more interesting.
Elaine (etfitz)14-Jul-2005 02:35
Very neat effect!
b-w studio14-Jul-2005 02:22
very unusual effect.