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18-JUN-2005 © jp

Don't try........

Don't try to live to many days at a time.

Harold B. Lee

Canon PowerShot S2 IS
1/80s f/4.0 at 44.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Reflections by Ruth06-Apr-2008 01:43
its the redhat lady :)) You can find them anywhere in the world from what I have seen,
great capture
Guest 30-Nov-2005 14:45
Beautiful portrait of a lovely woman. I like much the nice lighting of the photo. :)
Guest 29-Nov-2005 16:42
Elegance and maturity! Good Portrait!
Cliff30-Sep-2005 18:34
Beautiful portrait of this fine lady.
Heidi Jonker30-Aug-2005 22:05
Beautifull radiant shot!
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