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03062005 building blocks

Something very interesting is going on next door and I have been out
in the garden all morning to make sure I don't miss a moment of it.
A lot of men are making hammering noises in next door's garden. I thought they
were burglars at first, but then I saw the neighbours giving them cups
of tea so that's all right.
Whatever can be going on?

other sizes: small medium original auto
Bryan Murahashi04-Jun-2005 23:31
Like that attentive expression.
Cliff04-Jun-2005 16:53
Terrific !!
Michael Todd Thorpe04-Jun-2005 16:48
It's his job, isn't it? Somebody has to keep an eye on the neighborhood...
Guest 04-Jun-2005 14:22
Nice Pooch portrait ;-)
Yvonne04-Jun-2005 04:27
Maybe boarding kennels for cats?
Wonder if they had scones with the cuppas?
uofmtiger03-Jun-2005 16:22
Like the framing on this one. He does not look too concerned, if it was a cat hotel, I think he would be up barking!
Randu03-Jun-2005 16:05
Pooch on Guard Duty! When will you Trooping the Colour? Cheers!
northstar3703-Jun-2005 14:40
nosy bugga
Gayle P. Clement03-Jun-2005 14:11
He's so alert.
Herb 03-Jun-2005 12:33
He's got it under control
Gary Blanchette03-Jun-2005 11:36
Good Pooch protecting your yard the way you do.
Gilles Navet03-Jun-2005 11:32
It's a great SP pooch.....(hihihi)
Guest 03-Jun-2005 11:14
Cool dog - nice shot .
Guest 03-Jun-2005 11:05
whatever it is, I hope it's not too big!!
Zak03-Jun-2005 11:00
hope its not a Big Bother house! :-o
Jackdad03-Jun-2005 09:47
laine8203-Jun-2005 09:44
Could it be a Cat Motel...shock horror...who said that !! :>)
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