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Jim Worlding | all galleries >> Galleries >> TERRER AND HER FIRST LITTER > TIGER PAWS
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01-JUN-2005 Jim Worlding


This is Tiger, Wimpy's big brother, he was the first born, to see
the happy event go to
Tiger now lives with fellow PBase member

FujiFilm FinePix S7000Z
1/800s f/3.1 at 29.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
megan houston 11-Nov-2007 00:22
sleepy kitty.
Breland01-Jul-2005 01:17
He certenly looks comfy.
Christina Craft18-Jun-2005 16:37
Awww! This is prieceless. What a beautiful capture!
Guest 11-Jun-2005 19:48
Aww... beautiful! :)
Coleen Perilloux Landry04-Jun-2005 23:52
Awwww, what a sweet shot.
Guest 02-Jun-2005 03:32
Awww - very cool!
Mindy McNaugher02-Jun-2005 03:31
So cute!! Wonderful b&w shot!
Guest 01-Jun-2005 23:27
Ooooooh, how cute!
Guest 01-Jun-2005 23:17
So cute!
beverley harrison01-Jun-2005 23:08
aawww! thats so sweet! nice b&w!
Joanne Santillo01-Jun-2005 23:06
This is so sweet, Tiger looks so peaceful here. I like him in B/W. ;-)
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