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Lori Rolfe | all galleries >> Galleries >> 5000+ views > 14th four leaf clover ~ May 28th
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28-MAY-2005 Lori Rolfe

14th four leaf clover ~ May 28th

Heather has now officially found 14 four leaf clovers. It amazes me. :-)

Panasonic DMC-FZ1
1/160s f/4.0 at 11.9mm iso50 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
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t 29-May-2008 22:38
i have found lots of four leaf clovers in my garden.
when i was a child,i search and searched, and never found i have a garden full of them.
kimberly 03-Dec-2007 22:44
i have 42 four leaf clovers in les than a year and i am only elaven

Guest 29-May-2005 21:26
Nice shot - we use to find them al the time as kids!
laine8229-May-2005 13:08
Heather, that's amazing...I have never found one. I hope you press them & keep them safe. Nice image Lori.
Karen Stuebing29-May-2005 10:39
Wishing you good luck. I can never find a four leaf clover. Great color and detail.
Si Kirk28-May-2005 23:46
"Lucky" you nice photo
Guest 28-May-2005 23:13
I remember spending lazy summer afternoons looking for four leaf clovers when I was a child. Way to go Heather!
Guest 28-May-2005 22:35
They are supposed to bring good luck, right? Probably that's why she's found that many :) It's hard to find the first one I guess but after that it should be a piece of cake :)