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Terry Tabb | all galleries >> Galleries >> Amish,Lancaster County,PA, > Amish Cart
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12-MAY-2005 © Terry Tabb

Amish Cart

Canon PowerShot S30
1/1000s f/5.0 at 7.1mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 27-May-2011 19:46
Looks heathly and beutiful!
carrie 09-Jun-2010 21:43
You can have one of these ponies...once they use them up til they are all ragged the Amish take them to the New Holland auction where most horses go to slaughter in Canada.
Most of the horses that come from the Amish are horribly scarred up from whips and harnesses...not to mention the condition of their feet.
Guest 04-Apr-2009 19:05
What a beautiful pony!
Lynn Dale 29-Feb-2008 20:40
I would like to purchase a pony cart like this one.
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