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Greg Harp | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Favorite Images > Minnehaha Falls 1
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18-MAY-2005 Greg Harp

Minnehaha Falls 1

Minneapolis Minnesota

Minnehaha Falls, made famous by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's poem "The Song of Hiawatha" have long inspired many writers. According to the Pioneer Press, Mark Twain visited Minnehaha Falls in 1886. In "Life on the Mississippi," Twain wrote: "The beautiful falls of Minnehaha are sufficiently celebrated -- they do not need a life from me, in that direction."

The amazing thing to me is this tranquil park sits in SE Minneapolis, just minutes from bustling downtown, Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport, and only a few miles from Saint Paul as well.

"Thus the youthful Hiawatha
Said within himself and pondered,
Much perplexed by various feelings,
Listless, longing, hoping, fearing,
Dreaming still of Minnehaha,
Of the lovely Laughing Water,
In the land of the Dacotahs."

~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow in "The Song of Hiawatha"

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Bob Foisel03-Oct-2006 21:31
Beautiful misty capture. Vote
Guest 26-Jul-2006 00:18
nice capture. I like the soft an quiet tonal quality of the photo.
Cindi Smith17-Mar-2006 01:19
This is absolutely beautiful. I can almost imagine standing under it. Amazing image. GMV
martyn george (Hedonic3000)22-May-2005 21:18
Great composition, nice shot
fotabug21-May-2005 05:00
This is a wonderful image, one of your best.
Steve Thuman21-May-2005 03:35
Wow, what can I say other than Incredible!! Too bad the weather wasn't a little better.
Jack Hoying20-May-2005 11:07
Very nice!
FZ10 Users Group20-May-2005 06:03
Just beautiful, Greg. Reminds me of Silver Creek Falls near Lebanon in Oregon. Wonderful composition.
Barb19-May-2005 22:35
Beautiful waterfall capture.