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René Gysi | all galleries >> Galleries >> Blumen und Sträucher > Tulips
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26-APR-2005 René Gysi


In the garden of my parents

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Mary Beamond09-Jul-2005 13:31
Delightful - quite lovely.
Dof stunning !
Guest 07-Jul-2005 01:56
Diese ist sehr schön, mit dem Schatten, und auch, mit allen Farben.
Besati18-May-2005 01:01
Lovely colors and details. Beautiful shot.
laine8217-May-2005 22:43
Perfectly beautiful.
Guest 17-May-2005 09:28
Konrad Busslinger17-May-2005 05:23
Wunderschön der Schatten in der Tulpe, zudem die Farbtupfer im Hintergrund runden harmonisch das Bild ab. Sehr schön René.
Gary Winters17-May-2005 01:55
I like the red bokeh in this image, it's a nice contrasting color for the yellow tulips!
Mindy McNaugher17-May-2005 01:47
Beautiful capture of light! Truly stunning!
CJ Burianek16-May-2005 22:16
Beautiful shot! Love the background colors.
Stu16-May-2005 21:14
Beautifully done, Rene
JeremyGood16-May-2005 17:44
Gorgeous background blur with the red, yellow, white and green.
Chris Sofopoulos16-May-2005 11:19
So transparent, with perfect light. And the background so colourful. Just perfect.