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EMangl | all galleries >> People >> people on benches > 05145416www-mangl-at.jpg
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everything is possible. lotto

Nikon Coolpix 4500

Funny Patriotic Santa Claus Visiting The United States Of AmericaPatriotic Santa Claus Visiting The USA
Funny Sweet Festive Customizable Christmas Gifts
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Long Bach Nguyen10-Apr-2011 17:07
Great candid image between the elderly ladies and the young men.
Raymond Ma10-Mar-2009 07:11
Great shot. Really like the ad too! V
Rosemarie Kusserow23-Aug-2007 11:17
Hi Erich, hast du schon deinen Lottoschein abgegeben? Gruß Rosemarie :o))
Guest 27-Oct-2006 08:07
Du hast ein gutes Auge fuer Situationen. Toll.
G.Pietro Munaretto20-Jan-2006 13:14
gurda che cade
Al Chesworth15-May-2005 17:52
Nice one, is the lady on the left looking at the model and dreaming or wishing ?
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