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Rene Hales | all galleries >> Manipulated >> Creative Photoshop Course Images > : out of the pond :
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: out of the pond :

Used picture of my hand shot against gray background, grave stone from local cemetery and the pond at the cemetery. The turtle was a bonus find.

Canon EOS 1D Mark II
1/8s f/20.0 at 100.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
tomr-photos14-Nov-2006 21:20
Guest 06-Oct-2005 15:24
Great combination of images. You have quite a creative mind. You are a true artist.

In the old days, this type of work was quite cumbersom - using enlargers, dodging, burning, air brushing etc. And the chemicals had to be maintained at a constant temperature. We sure are blessed with the gift of Photoshop!

Thanks for sharing!
H.B. Lamb/ road_runner
Hodero11-Aug-2005 04:27
Another Great Idea.Very dramatic.Great reflections! "H"
s_barbour15-May-2005 01:27
Hi Rene
This photograph is awesome, you did a great job in PS with this one. I'm sure that you must be enjoying the course you are taking....sounds like fun to me!