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Jose Paulo Andrade | all galleries >> Galleries >> Disappearing Objects / Objectos em Vias de Extinção > Winding old clock / Dando corda ao relógio
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Winding old clock / Dando corda ao relógio

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Martha Albuquerque04-Sep-2007 18:32
excellent blending and mood.. love it, v*
Sabine Stetson12-Sep-2006 03:51
who's hand?????? beautiful collage....
Sue Robertson15-Feb-2006 01:33
Very creative.
inti19-Dec-2005 20:26
A great idea, very sharp and well presented. I like this a lot.
regards Rob
Kal Khogali09-Nov-2005 13:17
I agree with Marisa Jose, it is as if time itself is squeezing the last drop. It is just past midnight, and you desperately try to turn back the clock...or at least keep up with true of life. Great, great image!
Marisa Livet29-Apr-2005 14:13
This pictures is delightful!
I wonder why people on Pbase often waste time with banal images, without being able to discover little jewels like this one.
I'm glad I have found it!
Thank you