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Dundee Stu

Something to lean on

9 April 2005

Today was a do nothing sort of day, or at least it was before I got up. Then it transformed itself into a clean the house sort of day. You know, the kind of day when you wish you could afford to pay someone else to clean up behind you. Carting the heavy vacuum cleaner up and down two flights of stairs (and vacuuming them in the process) is not much fun when you have to carry a crutch as well. Add to this the need to vacuum a sofa that seems to be a cat hair magnet, and you have my morning. Mal podia ouvir Soccer AM! Liam has guests coming round, and Linda had other arrangements - going into town with her mum to see what she might want for her birthday (no doubt a whole new wardrobe, at least two new pairs of shoes and a coat... I, on the other hand, will be getting her a new coffee mug, a CD and a bunch of flowers from myself and Liam). Following this excursion, and while I was dripping in sweat and agony vacuuming the 40 risers that we have between ground level and the second floor of our house, Linda was off to Erin's 5th birthday party to drop off her presents. Cleaning the dining room, kitchen and downstairs toilet meant that I missed the first half of the Hibs v. Dundee Utd Scottish Cup semi-final. Liam, who had been asked to tidy his own room in preparation for his visitors, had decided that it would be better fun standing under the shower for 40 minutes. Linda came home during the second half of the football, and complained about her morning of shopping and partying. By the time Liam's friends arrived, I was in real need of the item in this image. Tomorrow, Linda is off to Perth for a meal with her Uni mates. At least I will get peace and quiet to watch the Celtic v. Hearts cup semi-final. No interruptions will be tolerated, for not only did Hearts beat us last week, this game will decide which team gets to beat, sorry, meet, Dundee United in the Cup Final at the end of May!

Nikon D70 ,Nikkor E 50mm f/1.8 MF,+2 and +4 diopters
1/320s f/1.8 at 50.0mm iso500 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 18-Apr-2005 10:30
Thats cool, I keep meaning to do something like that but I'm always too fussy and never complete it
Gilles Navet13-Apr-2005 23:16
I like this frame presentation, creative way to make us thinking about your pic(s)
Guest 11-Apr-2005 21:50
I love the images although I wish you had no need for the "prop".
Ian Clowes11-Apr-2005 11:55
Stairs, Hoover, crutches! Sounds like a recipe for disaster!
Guest 11-Apr-2005 06:36
Dallas on crutches! Love it!
Wenche Aune10-Apr-2005 21:52
Very nice series
Guest 10-Apr-2005 20:24
like the way you're playing with DOF here...
ciao Stu
Si Kirk10-Apr-2005 19:13
nice abstacts......errr any clues?
laine8210-Apr-2005 13:36
Nice silver images Stu, though I'm not sure what they are...
Josy's Pics10-Apr-2005 13:25
Wonderful series, I like it a lot... well done!
Karen Stuebing10-Apr-2005 10:38
When you're finished, I have some spring cleaning...

Nice series. Not a clue what they are but they really go togehter well.

Hope your day of solitude materializes but I have a feeling, we'll be reading another funny story of your mishaps tomorrow. ;)
northstar3710-Apr-2005 09:25
I see you've been busy with the crevice nozzle! What are these mysterious things? And what is a diopter?? I think we should be told.
Lee Rudd10-Apr-2005 07:18
very good series. Lock all the doors, take the phone of the hook :)
Pepe Zyman10-Apr-2005 05:42
Cool series! Don't answer the phone tomorrow!
Coleen Perilloux Landry10-Apr-2005 03:32
Is there no mercy for you in your house, Stu?
petesie10-Apr-2005 02:54
Do you do windows? Love this one, Stu!
Karen Leaf10-Apr-2005 02:46
Your in law travails are always so funny Stu, and I don't believe it for 1 minute. Glad to see men doing some of the housework for a change :)
Elaine (etfitz)10-Apr-2005 00:52
Great shot!
Susanne10-Apr-2005 00:26
I like how this gives a " Cool " impression, maybe because it appears like steel and the shine of it. Very nice series here and great composition in each one of them.
Guest 09-Apr-2005 23:05
Really good sequence!
Zak09-Apr-2005 22:22
hmph, they took MoTD off for the Hibs/Dundee highlights! :-/
sounds like you need a frothy coffee after all that hoovering!
Johan Toll09-Apr-2005 22:19
Very nice abstract series here, nice tones!
David Clunas09-Apr-2005 22:19
Nice stick shots especially like the 3rd panel, at first I thought it was an attack of the Cybermen
nomadicdragon09-Apr-2005 22:15
cool shots. and yay for peace and quiet. heh.