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Richard Devine | all galleries >> Galleries >> San Diego Area > Common Cuttlefish from Scripps Aquarium
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02-JUL-2002 Richard Devine

Common Cuttlefish from Scripps Aquarium

Sepia officinalis – aka: Common Cuttlefish
Cuttlefish are wondrous creatures of the sea that are closely related to octopi and squid. Like the octopus, it is a master of camouflage and even shoots ink when threatened. This ink once was an important dye called sepia which was used by artists in painting. Cuttlefish are also a seafood delicacy, and their inner shell – cuttlebone – is used as beak-sharpeners for many exotic birds. They are native to the Mediterranean Sea and Eastern Atlantic Ocean.

Casio QV-4000
1/8s f/2.0 at 20.7mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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