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Muriah | all galleries >> 2005 >> 2005 - First Half > Agate Beach Hike (02-26-05)
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Agate Beach Hike (02-26-05)

It's only a mile and a half
from the highway to the beach.
Then lunch and climb back up again.

We did the round trip in five hours flat.
Which is only just a way of saying.
There wasn't much of that
except where the water
had its way
with sea leveling

And tumbling rocks
to round them off.
Something we all need
on our sharp edges sometimes

And agates truly were found.
Some glowed out to a seeker
and glowed again against the light
when held to the sky just right

Canon PowerShot A80
1/500s f/6.3 at 19.2mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Stu27-Feb-2005 21:46
Looks like nice relaxing fun
Ray :)27-Feb-2005 01:22
Beautiful misty shot. Love the assorted stances of the figures.
Coleen Perilloux Landry26-Feb-2005 23:44
Very lovely.