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Salman Ahmed | all galleries >> Galleries >> My favourites > Autumn fog
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30-OCT-2004 Salman Ahmed

Autumn fog

Toronto, Ontario

"I saw old autumn in the misty morn
Stand shadowless like silence, listening
To silence."
~Thomas Hood

An empty parking lot at Edwards Gardens on a foggy Autumn morning.

Sony DSC-F717
1/40s f/2.0 at 9.7mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 16-Feb-2006 00:22
one of my favs in this gallery, lovely colours and composition,that sud´ve been a wonderful morning,can see it from your collection,great shots of a foggy day.
.07-May-2005 07:09
A very nice blend of colors. You captured the mood of this scene very well.
Pedro Libório12-Apr-2005 13:47
another one wit a special mood and great colors!!!
P.S. thanks for the visit and words.
Rob Oele04-Apr-2005 20:47
Beautiful, tranquil
inti11-Mar-2005 21:58
Peaceful, haunting beauty in the fog with its subtle shapes and tones with the addition of superb autumn colours. A real delight to view.
Regards Rob