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11-FEB-2005 dominic

11-02-05 collateral damage

well it had to happen at some point. Catherine is about as clumsy as a sloth wearing kevlar
gloves. The first casualty of the move happened, my art deco penguin, bit the dust. Literally.

What I can never understand, is that for someone so damn clumsy, how she has the uncanny ability to
always break the things I like. Generally, they're also the most expensive too.

Well at least it saved me having to find a subject for this evening. And if I'm being fair, then
they are pretty fragile. Anyway, who knows what she'll get for her birthday now!

Olympus C-50Z
1/2s f/2.8 at 7.8mm iso160 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
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northstar3714-Feb-2005 23:05
pow-zAP! Take that, Penguin.
Guest 13-Feb-2005 12:28
I thought it was a (real) bird from the thumbnail!
Bill Miller12-Feb-2005 19:07
I thought it was an aubergine !
Stu12-Feb-2005 14:59
Nothing that can't be fixed, Dominic!
Guest 12-Feb-2005 13:57
I agree....a dab of superglue will fix this right up! Can't tell you how many of my things have been dabbed with superglue!!
Zak12-Feb-2005 10:48
glue should fix it!
laine8212-Feb-2005 07:17
And here I was thinking only husbands were clumsy & broke things !! Poor Catherine, she must be feeling so bad.
Chris12-Feb-2005 06:49
The sepia was a good choice for the finish. Gives a feeling of the past...which the penguin certainly is. :)
Karen Leaf12-Feb-2005 04:14
At least you got a good PaD out of the misfortune. Feel for Catherine, too.
virginiacoastline12-Feb-2005 01:40
super glue . . . .?
joshishots12-Feb-2005 01:30
I'm sure she feels awful - does make an interesting shot though, and nicely toned!
Guest 12-Feb-2005 01:06
Looks like she'll be getting a penguin! Hopefully a little glue and a black Sharpie marker can fix it up. I know how you feel - my daughter is a walking vortex - wherever she goes, things fall and break.
Gayle P. Clement12-Feb-2005 00:59
Oh no, I know you liked this one. I'm clumsy too, Catherine has my sympathy.
Guest 12-Feb-2005 00:50
Ooops ;-)
jude12-Feb-2005 00:44
Makes for a really great abstract.. is that consulation? Being a clumsy sort myself, I feel her pain.
Dennis Steinauer12-Feb-2005 00:42
One word -- Crazy Glue. :)
type12-Feb-2005 00:35
Yes Dominic, I think you're being fair in saying wives are pretty fragile. LOL! Not that I'd know, of course, being a free-wheelin' gigolo rascal. Take consolation in that this makes a very elegant abstract picture that caught my eye right away. Now, see, you don't even mind anymore, now do you? ;-D
Herb 12-Feb-2005 00:35
Aw chucks