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Donna Pownall | all galleries >> Picture A Day >> Februray 2005 > February 07 2005
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February 07 2005

Shadow's and light- 11 going on 35

Canon EOS 300D Digital Rebel
1/60s f/2.8 at 90.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 19-May-2005 19:04
Love this shot! Great lighting and beautiful lips.
Chris09-Feb-2005 02:54
Awesome. Great work.
René08-Feb-2005 13:31
great shot, nice work....
type08-Feb-2005 09:32
Excellent comp, lighting, and let's face it, great lips.
Guest 08-Feb-2005 08:18
Great capture. The use of light is phenomenal. Also the mood that is brought without showing the rest of her face is facinating. Thanks for sharing! Cheers, chris
joshishots08-Feb-2005 02:10
Great shot - love the composition and lighting.