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Jean Ray | all galleries >> Galleries >> the_sun_also_rises_and_sets > Cambria Sunset
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Cambria Sunset

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Coleen Perilloux Landry24-Sep-2010 01:17
Rick Bricker26-Mar-2010 14:22
What a gorgeous sunset shot Jean.....beautifully taken.My sister and her husband have just spent two weeks here....and now I see why!
Mark Krauss08-Mar-2009 06:58
rbfresno05-Nov-2007 04:33
Beautiful shot. BTW, my parent's live in Cambria, right across from the Seago Gallery!
Yiannis Pavlis25-Apr-2007 12:46
very cinematic, excellent editing.
tomsview28-May-2005 08:40
Gorgeous backlit photo!
Guest 04-Apr-2005 04:01
I too love to shoot sunrises and sunsets, and this one is just fantastic. Great colors and great composition with the sun just peaking between the tree branches. Great job!
Jean Ray09-Feb-2005 05:10
Thanks, Dave.
Dave Wyman08-Feb-2005 06:58
This is a truly beautiful photograph - great composition.