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Karl R. Josker | all galleries >> Galleries >> Look For America > Muddy Waters Cabin
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1995 Karl R. Josker

Muddy Waters Cabin

Clarksdale, Mississippi

This cabin is one of several still standing on the property of the Stovall Irrigation Company, formerly Stovall's Plantation, outside of Clarksdale, Mississippi. McKinley Morganfield (aka Muddy Waters) lived here as a child. It was a former slave cabin. From this humble beginning, Muddy went on to "invent electricity," meaning that he brought the electric guitar to the fore in the blues, and laid down the basic format for what was to become the Rock and Roll combo; drummer, lead, bass and rhythm guitars.

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Rob Jones 01-Aug-2010 15:27
The "Muddywood" guitar commissioned by ZZ Top sits in the Delta Blues Museum in Clarksdale. You may be able to find a photo of it on their website. Otherwise, just ggole "Muddywood guitar" and see what you come up with.
Violet 22-Apr-2006 15:37
We arrived in Clarksdale after the shack was gone...we were able to dig up a few pieces of wood from the site...(I never would have removed wood from the cabin...i.e. defiled it.) It's great that it's being preserved, but also sad that the authentic landmarks of the early blues are gone. I wrote a movie script loosely based on the cabin...that's how much it moved me.
Guest 12-Sep-2005 01:23
Is there a picture of the guitar Billy Gibbons had made from a piece of wood from this cabin?