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Sony Forums Challenges | all galleries >> Challenge 86: Life in Motion (hosted by MFC & David Parry) >> Challenge 86 Eligible > edit image
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29-JAN-2005 jrdu

Flowing noodles
by jrdu

Sony DSC-F707
1/60s f/2.0 at 9.7mm iso100 with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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John Dunn 09-Feb-2005 07:57
It's a Muslim restauant, Helen, and the headscarves are a Chinese version of the "chador" or veil that middle eastern women wear. That's also why the man is wearing a little white hat, because of his religion not his profession. I'm in Guangdong province in southern China.
mlynn 09-Feb-2005 03:11
Lots of great color and vibrancy here. --Melanie
Helen Betts06-Feb-2005 23:55
I never could understand how they do that, but they sure do taste good! Good capture, and I think the surrounding elements really add to it. Out of curiosity, where in China is this? It looks like the women are wearing headscarves, which I didn't realize was a custom there. Helen
Sony Forums Challenges05-Feb-2005 16:02
I like how you've presented this one, John...a slice of life in China, "with a twist" :) MFC
John Dunn 05-Feb-2005 13:03
Thanks for your supportive comments, Mike. I notice that everyone else has the movement as the main element of their photo, which is just good photography, I guess. Mine has lots of other little details around the periphery because I wanted people to see that too: the noodle guy and his noodles in their context.
Sony Forums Challenges31-Jan-2005 21:17
John, I always enjoy seeing your photo portrayals of everyday life in China. This looks like a local eatery...& the "noodle flipping" is interesting to view. It reminds me of somebody flipping pizza dough at one of my local pizza parlors. Nice candid. MFC