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Peter Chou | all galleries >> Galleries >> Singapore: Changi Point and Pulau Ubin > Taxi Drivers of Pulau Ubin
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Taxi Drivers of Pulau Ubin

Voigtlander Bessa R2 ,Color Skopar 35mm/2.5C,Ilford XP2 Super 400

other sizes: small medium original auto
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robin hu 01-Jul-2011 01:55
My friends and I took this taxi van driven by the gentleman at the foreground. A very pleasent afternon spent hiking on this last frontier of nature in Singapore.
Guest 29-Jan-2009 22:55
years have passed since you posted this photo-but i would like to say: an excellent capture
Barri Olson28-Feb-2005 07:48
I also love this, you have captured much character here.
Keith Goldstein08-Feb-2005 15:08
Love this!
