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Hans VR | all galleries >> This & That >> nature >> Animals >> Birds > Larus ridibundus
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Larus ridibundus

Kokmeeuw -- Black-headed Gull (winter adult)

Canon EOS 1D Mark II
1/1250s f/6.3 at 560.0mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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csmallari30-Jan-2006 22:21
wonderful shot !!!! I am envious of people who get to take very nice photos of birds in flight. great job !!!! Thanks for sharing :-)
Guest 20-Jan-2005 05:01
Good catch.. Rafi
Fouche19-Jan-2005 20:19
Excellent shot/composure here Hans, and I really like the lighting. The lighter weight of the DO is nice isn't it?
Lesley Mattuchio18-Jan-2005 15:03
I love the light amd mood of this image...I can tell you are going to do great things with bird photography!