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Pedro Libório | all galleries >> Galleries >> Older ones ... many more ... > 14.01.2005 ... At lunch break ...
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14.01.2005 ... At lunch break ... this time of the year to have such wonderful days and view it is quite a privilege I think.

... see it in ORIGINAL size please.

regards to you all.

Canon EOS 300D Digital Rebel
1/320s f/11.0 at 18.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
t t01-Feb-2005 06:52
this is what i need.....
Guest 16-Jan-2005 20:22
Guest 15-Jan-2005 18:53
During 5 days in Lisbon last week the first thing that struck me was the great light for photos, even in winter... always a problem up here in Scotland!

Lovely view.
Stu15-Jan-2005 17:44
Not long now! I'll be there next week... although not in Foz, unfortunately.
Wenche Aune15-Jan-2005 15:30
Guest 15-Jan-2005 14:40
REALLY a privilege...
you have some great colours around you.
Milano is REALLY different :((
take a look here...
Herb 15-Jan-2005 06:04
Great beach shot.
laine8215-Jan-2005 05:14
You are indeed very lucky to have this day in day out. Beautiful vista, Pedro.
Just Me 15-Jan-2005 04:12
Wow... makes me wish I was there! Nice shot!!
Elaine (etfitz)15-Jan-2005 02:16
Beautiful! Looks so peaceful!
Pepe Zyman15-Jan-2005 02:08
spectacular image.
Coleen Perilloux Landry15-Jan-2005 02:04
Very beautiful. The lone walker and his dog are fortunate.
Robin Reid15-Jan-2005 01:20
I agree w/Gayle. Gorgeous image Pedro... and the beach is so EMPTY!
Gayle P. Clement15-Jan-2005 01:08
So serene and beautiful. The lone walker adds to the sense of peace.
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