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JW | all galleries >> 2004_to_2023 >> Galleries By Subject >> Places > Short Street, Longton, North Staffordshire, England
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Short Street, Longton, North Staffordshire, England

Longton is one of the Six towns that make up the city of Stoke on Trent in the North of England. The city is know as 'The Potteries' as it was the home of the vast majority of pottery production in England including names such as Wedgewood, Doulton, Spode, Aynsley etc. The area around this street has been undeveloped since being built in Dickens' time but is now derelict awaiting a City Council refurbishment programme. No modern picture can portray the dirt, the heat and the endless drudgery the pottery workers endured to produce their beautiful products - see this brilliant website for more info.

Canon EOS 300D Digital Rebel
1/125s f/4.5 at 27.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 15-Feb-2005 19:27
Beautifully done! Love the gradient effect, too. I would have caught the mood without the explanation but it does add to the shot. Thank you. Worth a vote.
Ray :)10-Feb-2005 19:11
Love the low angle and treatment. Its difficult to get many such shots down south.
Steve Martin16-Jan-2005 15:33
I love the "mood" of this image as well as the perspective from which you captured it. It does indeed make one consider the drudgery the workers most surely endured. What a life that must've been.