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Blair Hawco | all galleries >> Photo A Day >> Year I >> December 2004 > 15-Dec-2004
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"Feline Friendly Interface"

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Chris17-Dec-2004 02:49
I leave mine on the ottoman in front of the easy chair and sometimes I forget to close the lid before I take off for the day. I come home now and again and find Pandit sleeping in the chair, paws on the keys. LOL. Don't tell Dell. I think I still have time left on my warranty. Great photo, btw.
Guest 16-Dec-2004 06:28
hahah excellent caption
Jeffery Stahlman16-Dec-2004 04:19
this is cute, nice capture.
Karen Leaf16-Dec-2004 03:24
Did you get a bunch of aaaaaaaa's on your screen? Funny, and well known around my house.
Pepe Zyman16-Dec-2004 02:52
Glenn16-Dec-2004 02:20
Peter Hollinger16-Dec-2004 02:00
Makes a nice kitty heater?